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Tales From The Land Of Rabbits

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The Emir In Search Of An Eye

Anime Sketch


This volume, Tales From The Land of Rabbits covers stories originating in what is now Spain and Portugal.

Why the land of rabbits? John A. Crow explains it perfectly in Spain, The Root and the Flower, University of California Press, 1985:

“Spain was first called Iberia, a name given to it by its Iberian inhabitants (from North Africa). The name was supposedly based on the Iberian word for river, Iber. They reached Spain around 6000 BCE. When the Greeks arrived on Spanish soil around 600 BCE. they referred to the peninsula as Hesperia, meaning "land of the setting sun." When the Carthaginians came around 300 BCE. they called the country Ispania (from Sphan, "rabbit"), which means "land of the rabbits." The Romans arrived a century later and adopted the Carthaginian name of the country, calling it Hispania. Later, this became the present-day Spanish name for the country, España. Thus, because of the Romans and their language, the rabbits won over the sunset and over the river.”

This collection contains stories either written by or collected by Rachel Harriette Busk, Charles Sellers, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Andrew Lang and by José Muñoz Escámez. Translations from Bécquer are by Cornelia Francis Bates and Katherine Lee Bates.

As ever it’s been a delight to work on these stories, many of which I had not read before working through some of these original collections. There is a real flavour of the peninsular in these stories, reflecting as they do Spain and Portugal’s long history of thought, religion and conflict.

A Sample...

The Emir In Search Of An Eye

The Emir Abu-Bekir lost an eye in battle against the Christians.

“The Christians shall pay me what they have taken from me,” he said, and he sent for a number of Christian captives, and had one of their eyes taken out, in the idea of replacing his own; but it was found that none of them agreed with his in size, and form, and colour.

The Emir Abu-Bekir was a very comely person, and his eyes had been so mild and soft, that it was at last thought only the eye of a woman could replace the missing one.

The choice fell upon a beautiful maiden named Sancha. Sancha was brought into the Emir’s presence, and his physician was ordered to take out her eye, and place it in the vacant socket...

If you want to read the full story (and many others), then buy this book now on Amazon...

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