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Cat Tails


Released Sept '24


Feline folk tales and fairy tales from all around the world.

Tales Of the Gushi Yuan


Released Spring '24


Folk tales, fairy tales, myths and legends from China.

Tales Told By The Kathaakaar


Released Spring '24


Folk tales, fairy tales, myths and legends from India.

Dog Tails

Released July '24


Doggy folk tales and fairy tales from all around the world.

The Fireside Tales Project

  • ​I’ve drawn heavily on traditional folk and fairy tales for years, amassing a collection of many 000's of these tales from around the world.

  • It has been one of my long-standing ambitions to gather these stories together to create a library of tales that otherwise might be lost or forgotten.

My original Fiction & Poetry

  • I have written, on and off, for most of my adult life, having contributed to magazines and newspapers, as well as writing fiction.

  • I have had 2 novels, 2 collections of short stories, a biography and a collection of award winning poetry published over the last 15 years.

  • Following this link will take you to my fictional work, to videos, and to more background information.

My Non-fiction Work

This image shows the cover of the book, Ragged Arsed Ruffian

Cup finals, a business rollercoaster, love, loss and laughter - a memoir by a former professional football player, who plied his trade in the 1950s and 1960s, before embarking on a business career just as rife with promotions, championships and relegations. This is Les Gilson's story.

Behind The Scenes

  • Behind the Scenes lifts the lid on some key aspects of creative writing, book production and publication.

  • Based on my own experience and hard won lessons, I delve into topics like characterisation, pace, structure, creative thinking and the like - all in short, snappy videos designed to offer a little help to other writers.

About Me

This image shows author and editor Clive Gilson standing by a Scottish loch with his dog, Mel

Find out a little more about me, some of the projects that I've worked on and other vaguely interesting topics... especially the dogs...

The Other Stuff...

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